Web Design Aylesbury

Need a Better Website?
Get it Right This Time.

Web Designer, Rachel Toy

Introducing my web design services for customers in Aylesbury. Do you need a better website for your business? Don’t panic, I can help you get it right this time. It could be that you need brand-new website, or your old website desperately needs an overhaul. Either way, all of my websites are built upon a solid foundation, using my unique 4-step process, ensuring you start as you mean to go on with a useful, long-term marketing tool for your company.

How I work

1. Website Planning

I will start at the beginning by making a plan for your new website, working from the agreed design brief (or undertaking an audit of your current website). This includes thinking about items such as:

For a website to appeal to your audience, it needs to follow certain rules that make it a pleasing and intuitive place to be. Clear signposting is essential, plus an understanding of how people move through a website, as well as the general look and feel incorporating your branding. I will sketch out the main design of the website before starting on any of the technical work, as this is a quick way to show the bones of the design. If I am auditing an existing website I will report on anything I think can be improved from the existing design.

Next, I will think about how users will navigate the website via links on the page. This is important, not only to website visitors, but also to Google so that they can index all your pages properly. You need clear links from all your pages to all of the other pages on your website. I will create the navigational plan as required to ensure this is logical, intuitive and tidy, including provisions for a main SEO key phrase on each page. For those clients with existing websites I will again suggest improvements to any current navigation structure.

You will probably never see this, but a website is built using HTML code. There are best practices for setting up this code with a coherant, tidy structure, not only to ensure the website is working efficiently, but also to give you a big Google tick. They only index websites that have followed best practice, it makes sense really! It is also important for website accessibility and to be inclusive to any disabled users of your website. For existing websites, I will use a tool that investigates it for any coding issues, such as bad structure, speed issues and broken links. For new websites I use the WordPress platform, which enables me to work with best practice coding out of the box (see website build section below).

For existing websites, I will put all of the information I have found together in a final to – do list / plan with costings and time frames. I recommend we follow all options on the plan to give you optimal results, but it is of course up to you which parts you want to implement and when. The next stage of my web design services will make this happen. For new build websites the plan will guide my work for the next stages.

Web Design Leighton Buzzard Image
Web Design Leighton Buzzard - Web Design Image

2. Website Build

I use WordPress to build my websites, starting with one of their approved templates as a framework. This ensures that the website is set up with good practice coding from the start and has an easy to use content management system that you or your staff can also use for ongoing changes. If you need an online shop, or any special tools such as a booking calendar, price calculator etc, no problem! I can set that up too along with domain names and hosting as well. I’ll even deal with most of the technical problems myself, and be on hand for any teething issues once the site is live.

If you have any further questions about web design services, check out my FAQ Section below. Or call me on 01296 662172.

How much do web design services cost?

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t provide website hosting as a service, however I can set it up for you with another provider (who will bill your direct). I will advise on the best hosting provider and plan for your website needs, then the set up will be in your company name so you have full access to it, in case you wish to move to a different web agency in future. If you already have website hosting no problem, I will just need the login details for your control panel. Then I can check it is suitable for your proposed website,and if so, do the technical bits to install your website on their servers and point your domain to it.

No problem! I can do this too, and register it in your company name, so there are no issues should you wish to move provider at a later date. I always recommend setting it up with a separate domain registration company to your website hosting, again for ease of use if you ever need to move to another host. Then once set up, I will edit the name servers to point to your hosting account, so the two are linked.

It is up to you really, but I strongly recommend it, especially if you have no prior web design or marketing experience. The audit underpins the structure of your website, and looking at what might have not worked so well in the past, helps you to get it right this time. You have come to me to help after all, and this is my optimal advice. If you do have a website plan, or it has come from a marketing professional, of course I am happy to work along those lines.

Usually 4 – 6 weeks depending on how many changes there are to the design, how long I need to wait for your content (text, images) etc. Once we decide to go ahead initially, I can usually get a first look to you within a few weeks and make most changes within 48 – 72 hours. If you need the website sooner, please state at the time of your enquiry so I can advise you if this is possible. Sometimes I may need to charge a premium rate for this, especially if you are a new client.

You can provide the content if preferred or I can use my seo copywriting skills to write it all for you. If you have provided the content, I would need to have a look at it though and make any edits required so that it works well as marketing and web copy. For example, we need to make sure you have your main keywords in the copy, and that the text is persuasive enough to get people to buy from you, along with a call to action.

As for photos and images, you can provide these (and I will advise on the format I need), or I can find you some stock photos. For any images you provide to me it will be assumed you have all the correct permissions to use them.

Yes! This is one of the reasons I use WordPress as it has a very good, easy to use content management system built in. Once the website is set up I will give you the login for this and can provide training as needed.

A content management system (or CMS) is basically a way for you to be able to update the website yourself, if you wish. You will have access to the main text and image areas of the site so you can make changes without needing technical web design knowledge, or having to ask me to do it for you. Ideal if you have just a small update to make, or post news etc. They are usually fairly easy to use, with a similar text editing feature to MS Word, however I can provide training as needed.

No problem! My process includes two presentation and review stages to ensure that you get the final design just as you want it,. I will ask some questions at the outset to find out what you are looking for, as well as information on the type of customers you are looking for, and your competitors. I will then design to this brief. So it is important to give me as much information as possible at that stage. My price will include two rounds of changes, before we agree on the final design.

I ask for a 50% deposit at the beginning of the website build for new clients, payable before work commences. Then any balance is due on completion of the website and the go live date. My invoice terms are NET 14 Days and you can pay by bank transfer, cheque or paypal.

Yes, once you have paid the final invoice, I hand over all copyright to you. If you ever should decide to move to another web agency, I will also provide you with all the files you need, as you have paid for them after all! I am not into holding on to copyright or website files at all, then charging a premium to get access to them once needed as I feel this is very bad practice in the industry.

Apart from the ongoing marketing activities we discuss, your WordPress website will need the odd update etc to keep the technology current. Once updates are applied also, a check will be needed to make sure they don’t cause any problems with the website design etc. I charge a yearly fee for this of £70.

Once we have the website live, you will want your potential customers to find it. The next stage in my process caters for this so don’t worry! Just be aware that once you set up the website, that’s not it, in terms of budget. You will need to do some work to keep it current and ensure you can be found by search engines. 

Of course! I will set up Google Analytics for you once the website is live and give you full access to the statistics. I can also set up daily / weekly / monthly reports for you if you wish!

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Ready for the next stage?

Step 1

Website Build
Whether its a new build from scratch or a complete redesign, rest assured your website will be constructed with a solid foundation to build upon.

Step 2

Get Found on Google
After your website is tidied and polished, I will then do the on and off site work needed for Google to actually find you!

Step 3

Social Media Mastery
This stage will amplify your brand message and extend your potential customer reach using today's go to media platforms.

Step 4

Content Marketing Utopia
Keep your customers informed and regularly gain new ones at key decision making stages. This is your marketing utopia!

Need more convincing?

View some happy client testimonials below, or contact me to ask any further questions before getting started!