SEO Services

Gaining quality website traffic with higher search engine rankings

My SEO Services Leighton Buzzard will help you get your website get found by potential customers, both locally and beyond!

Step 2 - Get Found on Google

Now that you have a website that is set up properly, the next stage is to get found by potential customers. The key to this is to first get your website higher in the search engine rankings for search phrases relevant to your business (Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO).  Then you will gain increased traffic to your website and visitors that are actually looking for your product or service. I know what you are thinking, ‘this sounds like some sort of wizardry?!”. Well it is really as you have to know what you are doing! My Search Engine Optimisation services will include all the steps required. I am based in Leighton Buzzard but work with clients nationwide. Read on to find out more.

Features & Benefits

SEO Leighton Buzzard

1. Research stage

For your SEO to have any chance of success, we need to start with a plan. My tried and tested SEO audit, is the first stage in my SEO services and will include:

You want those customers to find you, but do you know what keywords they are using to search for the product or service you provide? They could be using words and phrases entirely different to what you think they might be. Also, people who already know you may use your company name, but what about those who do not? 

I will look at the current keywords people are finding you with and see how efficiently they are working for you. It could be that you call your widgets “xyz” but people are searching for “zyx” widgets instead, So potentially you will never come up in their searches, or you will be coming up for the wrong search phrase not related at all to your product. My research will identify what people are actually searching for, and what to remove if it is causing you to gain low quality traffic. 

Which competitors come up first when you do a Google search for your industry? If you are not up there with them already, I bet you would like to be. How do they do it? Well I can find out for you! Factors such as website build, on page SEO, number of backlinks and related social media activity all have an impact. Let’s get you in the same space as those who do it well! Of course if you are already up there with them, the idea will be to come up with a strategy to keep you there, as the goalposts will constantly keep moving.

Using the information I gain from both research phases above, I will make a plan with the specific aims of increasing your search engine positions, as well as increasing relevant, quality traffic.

SEO Leighton Buzzard Image
SEO Leighton Buzzard On Page Image

2. On and Off Page SEO

Once we have a plan, my SEO services include the work required both on your website and wider on the web.. This will include editing the code of your website to get the keywords the right places ("on page" SEO), as well as the "off page" work to help you gain quality inbound links - the lifeblood of SEO.

The keywords identified in my plan will need to be inserted into the parts of your website code, that Google looks for them in, on each web page. At this stage I will also have a look at your website words from a human reader’s perspective. I will ensure there are enough and that they are properly copywritten with marketing in mind. It’s all very well getting people to your website but we also need to actually inspire your prospects to stay on the page long enough to be inspired to buy from you!

The next stage is to then tell Google (and other search engines) all about your hard work! If not completed already I will set up Google Search Console for you, and upload a site map so that it triggers Google’s spiders to start finding your website pages. I will also set up Google Analytics so that you can view visitor stats about your website, such as the keywords used, how long visitors stay on your pages, which websites have referred you etc. All useful stuff for later stages of your website goals. If you already have these bits set up, I will update them to reflect your new website content. I will also set up reports to give you regular progress on what is happening, and even be on hand regularly to review them, making suggestions for any improvements needed. 

I will also start the work on creating quality backlinks, by identifying the websites that would be good to get a link from. These are also called inbound links and are the lifeblood of SEO. Basically if you are linked to from another website that is already highly regarded by Google, this is an indicator to them that you provide quality content too. The backlinking strategy will also underpin some of our content marketing strategy later on, as we set up a blog and aim to network with influencers. I will also look at any backlinks you already have and tidy them, as necessary.

Once you have got this far, it is important to keep the momentum going. SEO is constantly changing as Google change their algorithms (ranking factors), new competitors come along, an old competitor updates their website etc. If you don’t keep up, then it is easy to slip down the rankings again and lose the hard work you started. Therefore keeping an eye on things monthly is usually a good idea, and I can take away all the boring administration bits for you such as regularly reviewing your keywords, checking on and finding new backlinks, analysing reports etc to find out what is working and what isn’t, then make the necessary improvements. I can also provide training if you dont have the budget for a monthly service, and would like to do the work yourself.

How much do SEO services cost?

Frequently Asked Questions

Search Engine Optimation (or SEO for short), is the process of improving your organic search engine results, with the aim of gaining quality website traffic. 

It can take Google anything from 3 weeks to 3 months to find and start to list your website on its search engine results pages (SERPS), so it is important to start sooner rather than later. I cannot guarantee a specific timeframe unfortunately as there are so many factors beyond my control. However I do follow best practice and knowledge for you which will give you more of a chance to get listed than another website who has not bothered to do the same!

Again I can’t guarantee specific search engine positions (and any company who promises to get you to position 1 on Google is lying!). There are quite a lot of factors involved and it can change daily. However ensuring best practices are followed from the start, and efforts constantly monitored, will give you the best chance of obtaining a first page position on Google.

Organic SEO is a free way of getting your website on Google search results (apart from any fees in using an agency to do it for you), where as paid SEO is paying a fee to advertise on the search engine results pages (SERPS) so that you come up on the same page, almost immediately. This can be especially useful if you have just set up a website as organic SEO takes time to bear fruit. Paid results are usually shown at the top or side of the SERPS in Google and will have ‘sponsored’ or ‘ad’ somewhere near the main text so you can identify them. The other advantage of paid ads is that as you start to get traffic almost straight away, you can find out what keywords people are using to find you, and how effective your website content is. However, it can be expensive especially if you bid on the wrong keywords, and is a good idea to ask a professional for help. I am available if you need me to do this for you too!

Yes! Backlinks are the lifeblood of SEO as they allow Google to basically crawl around the world wide web and find new content! Think of a link as a window through to another website, and if that website has links, you can go through that window too, and so on. A backlink is simply a link to your website on another website therefore, and it is best that this link is on a quality website. Google also use this as a indicator that you have been endorsed by that website, so if they are regarded as a quality website, then yours will be too. The more links you have the better, as its more than one website recommending you, so you must be good! Its a bit like citing a reputable source of information in essays, research etc, so that you know you can trust what has been written. 

Yes, part of my on page SEO work includes updating the Page Title and Meta Description of each web page, to include your main keywords. Meta ‘keywords’ is an older area that used to be a good place to also insert keywords, but is now being used less and less by Google as a ranking factor as their algorithms concentrate on quality content instead.

Of course! You know your business the best after all and I will ask you for some words and phrases at the start anyway to give me an idea of the field you are in. The keyword research tool I use can then find related keywords or phrases to the original term, as well as how many searches per month they gain and how competitive it is to rank for.

You can, and if you can’t really afford the monthly fee to keep things going, then that is what I would recommend anyway! Its good to have it set up first for you however by a professional so you can start as you mean to go on. I can provide training after my initial setup so that you can learnt to do it yourself.

Ready for the next stage?

Step 1

Website Build
Whether its a new build from scratch or a complete redesign, rest assured your website will be constructed with a solid foundation to build upon.

Step 2

Get Found on Google
After your website is tidied and polished, I will then do the on and off site work needed for Google to actually find you!

Step 3

Social Media Mastery
This stage will amplify your brand message and extend your potential customer reach using today's go to media platforms.

Step 4

Content Marketing Utopia
Keep your customers informed and regularly gain new ones at key decision making stages. This is your marketing utopia!

Need more convincing?

View some happy client testimonials below, or contact me to ask any further questions before getting started!