AFFCAD UK (Action for Fundamental Change and Development) is a volunteer-led charity set up to support young people and families living in extreme poverty in Uganda.

Purvy Patel, Vice Chair and Trustee of AFFCAD UK approached me last summer to ask for help in designing and building a new website for the charity. The previous one had worked for the charity in the past but now it was time to update the look, as well as structure the content to work with new marketing campaigns. The charity also required help with SEO to increase reach online and a monthly retainer was set up.

The resulting website is fresh, well structured and modern. It also reflects the organisations branding much better than before and is easier to update by volunteers by using the standard WordPress platform with Elementor plug in.

There is also an ongoing SEO retainer in place and visits to the website have increased dramatically, with higher positions for related keywords being gained regularly, as well as important backlinks. I also continue to advise on best practice for any new content added to the website, as well as optimising the pages for SEO.

Rachel has completely rebuilt the website for AFFCAD UK and provides us with a dependable SEO service. She is always reliable and produces quality work often under challenging time pressures (without losing her cool). I also find that she comes up with alternatives that we had not always thought of rather than just doing what was on the brief so we always get value add from her. We are continuing to work with Rachel to build on the SEO work she has started for us.
Purvy Patel
Vice Chair and Trustee, AFFCAD UK

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